Inadequate parking is the main issue at every new development open house before Grimsby Council.
The problem derives from the Town's requirement of 1.5 parking spots per unit (some residents have two cars). There is no reason for the developers to put in extra parking if the Town By-Laws allow it.
Parking was found to be Out of Scope for the Casablanca Waterfront Park planning. They have previously stated that, as opposed to driving (which requires parking), many visitors would walk or bike to the park (or take the GO train ;-)
Parking was referred to Town Staff almost a year ago. After more than 6 months of careful consideration, Town Staff proposed to hire a consultant who has taken another 6 months (your tax dollars in action).
Our previous Councillor, Dorothy Bothwell, identified a great solution. The Town recently came into some excess land from MTO (see yellow star in the photo below). It is adjacent to the east end of the Casablanca (Beach) Park. It would be ideal for a huge parking lot (and more) and there is Community Benefits Money (>$1M) to partially fund it. It is actually just outside of the GOTL Parking study area.
The Town pointed out that people would have to cross the North Service Road to get from the proposed lot to the park. I pointed out that other jurisdictions have developed amazing road crossing technologies (stop lights, flashing crosswalks, etc).
Please send e-mails directly to:
Gordon Hui, Consultant Project Manager, R.J. Burnside & Associates Ltd.
Brandon Wartman, Director of Public Works, Town of Grimsby
The Consultant and Town has rejected our input. Please contact them.
The Town held a Stakeholder Meeting in support of the GOTL Strategic Parking Management Study on June 7, 2023.
Three business owners from NNSCC289 (Winston Road mixed use condo) and I (President NNCECC270) showed up.
The lack of "Visitor" parking is a serious issue which will get worse as over a half dozen high-rises are added to the area.
Please contact the people listed above to show you care. No feedback is not going to drive positive change. You can also fill out the poll.
The two solutions I proposed are:
- Change the zoning from 1.5 to 2.0 parking spaces per unit (some families have two cars)
- Create parking on the MTO land (yellow star above) to service the new Casablanca Destination Park and for GOTL overflow (including the massive Losani development, which includes the bare minimum visitor parking.
Not saying anything empowers the Town and Consultants to ignore GOTL (the residents must all be happy).